11th May 2018

People who help us – Supermarket

This week we have been:

Learning about people that help us at the supermarket. We learnt about people that we do not see when we go shopping! Cleaners, managers, night staff and bakers! We had lots of fun in the role-play area writing shopping lists, shopping for the food and then going to the checkout.

In phonics this week we have been learning the sounds:

  • ‘sh’ – slither down the snake, from his head to his feet over his back.
  • ‘r’ – down his body and curl his arm.  

In maths this week we sand the sang 5 current buns. We used the current buns and 1p coins to buy buns from Mrs Herne. Here is the link so you can enjoy singing this song at home.


In RE this week we learnt the story ‘Feeding the five thousand’ ‘The boy who shared with others’. The boy had 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. He gave them to Jesus for him to share and give to others. We used 2 paper fish, cut them up and shared them out. We had 5 small loaves and we cut them up and shared them with everyone in the class, we still had some left over!! Please share this link with the children at home.      


Have a look at our caterpillars! They are growing very quickly and their food is almost gone!! We are waiting to see what they do next. We are still looking after our beans too, look how tall they are growing!

Next week we will be:

  • Continuing our learning about people who help us, focusing on the area around where we live. (hairdressers, builders, milkman)
  • Learning the sounds ‘j’ and ‘v’.
  • Writing numbers to 10 and sharing.
  • The Ascension

How you can hep at home:

  • Please use the links above, five current buns and the boy who shared with others.
  • Continue reinforcing the sounds we have learnt so far and name writing.
  • Counting and recognising numbers.

Our class assembly is on Friday 25th May, we hope that you can make it. We would like the children to come dressed up in what they would like to be when they are older, policeman, fireman, doctor, vet, chef etc. Please let me know what your children would like to be when they grow up!

I would like to thank you for your support with the children’s uniform and footwear. Its important that they are wearing the correct uniform to nursery what ever the weather.

Thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Herne.

Mrs Bruno, Mrs Lowe and Miss Kelly.