
This week in Literacy, we have been looking at the difference between reported speech and direct speech. Your homework this week is to watch this clip.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8F25iRTu1o  Write this scene out in your pink homework book, ensuring  you include inverted commas for when a character talks and to start a new line each time someone different speaks.

Remember to include powerful verbs, do not use ‘said’ more than once!

This work will be due in Monday 17th October.

Your spellings this week are;

  1. neutral
  2. neutron
  3. amateur
  4. deuce
  5. feudal
  6. sleuth
  7. eulogy
  8. euthanasia
  9. Europe
  10. category
  11. dictionary
  12. twelfth
  13. thousand
  14. career
  15. sincerely
  16. dimensions
  17. radius
  18. intersect
  19. triangular
  20. rectangular