12th October 2018
Ourselves/People who help us
This week we have been:
Talking about things we like to do and things that we like to eat. We read a story called ‘Things I like’ and then we shared with the class things that we like. We made things we like with the playdough and some of use drew pictures of the things we like.
In phonics this week we continued listening to sounds that we hear around us and made some of these sounds by using our bodies. We enjoyed stamping on the ground, splashing in puddles, running in leaves and shutting the door. What sounds do you hear at home?
In maths this week we focused on numbers to 10 and sang ’10 green bottles’. We wrote numbers to 10 and then rubbed each number out so that we knew how many we had left.
In RE this week we learnt that Jesus loves us and although we can not see him he watches over us all the time. Jesus left us a special necklace to show us that he is always in our hearts and we are always in his. We watched a video and sang a special song.
This week we also looked closely at our faces and painted a picture using a mirror to help us. Come and have a look at our masterpieces!
Next week we will be inclusion week. We will be:
- Continuing our learning about people who help us, focusing on builders. We will be using the ‘Three little pigs’ to help us.
- Learning how Jesus loves our families and talking about who is in our family.
- Making lists about our favourite things.
- Talking about Autumn.
- Learning about being safe online.
- Learning about being safe when we are by the road.
- Exploring black history month.
How you can help at home:
- Listen to the sounds you hear at home.
- Practice writing your child’s name.
- Counting activities and number formation.
- Exploring shapes that you can see when you are out and at home.
- It was lovely to see you all at the parents consultations this week, thank you for taking the time to meet with me.
- New proud cloud sheets have been handed out, please fill one in from time to time and let us know what the children have been up to at home.
- Tuesday morning will be our ‘Pink Breakfast’. You are invited to come to school and have breakfast with your child before the school day. It will start at 7:30am in the school hall, please ensure you fill out your order form. The children can also were a red/pink top/t-shirt for the day for a donation to Breast cancer campaign.
Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne.
Mrs Bruno and Mrs Lowe.