13th November 2020
People who help us – At the post office
This week we have been:
Learning about the post office. We watched a video that took us through the journey of a letter, we wrote our own letters and we pretended to be postmen and postwomen.
In phonics this week we have been thinking about sounds we make with musical instruments and our bodies, we have been listening to the instructions and following directions.
In maths this week we learnt the number 6 and started learning about money coins and what the number means on them. We learnt about 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins.
In science this week we have been exploring heavy and light. We used Kit and Pup to demonstrate what heavy and light is and then we explored the classroom to find things that are heavy and light.
In RE this week we have been learning about Diwali. We read a story about Rama and Sita and we made our own diva lamps. We also learnt about Remembrance Day. We made a wreath, made our own poppies, watched a video about what is might have been like in wartime and we also took part in a 2 minute silence. Least we forget.
This week we also had a great time during our PE lesson. We played a new game and used the PE horses and benches. We all listened really well and had a great time.
Next week we will be:
- Learning about the fire service.
- Learning about 2D shapes.
- Talking about our families.
How you can help at home:
- Please continue name and number formation.
- Continue reading at home, please ensure that you take care of the books that go home.
- Please watch the video links above and talk about this weeks learning.
Messages home:
- Please ensure that the children are taking care of the books that are sent home. We have had a few books that have been torn and damaged and unfortunately we have had to throw them away. We will be asking for money donations for damaged and lost books.
- Please ensure that the children have their water bottle in school everyday as we do not have anything else they could use.
Thank you for your support , Mrs Herne
Mrs Bruno and Mrs Lowe