Last week in literacy we wrote letters to Mrs Baron to try and persuade her for a trip to the cinema to see a film based on one of our favourite films.
This was a great task for the children and really enhanced their informative letter and persuasive writing skills.
Mrs Baron was extremely impressed with the children’s writing.
In literacy this week we will be writing persuasive speeches and at the end of the week we will use them for an in class debate!
In numeracy we will be learning about the duration of time e.g. how many minutes in one hour, hours in a day etc.
However it won’t be as simple as that, we will be working out 1/4 of an hour, how many hours in 3/4 of a day etc.
Please practise duration of time at home.
In RE we are learning about how rules help us to live together and get along.
Spellings- y3_wl_sum_5