15th February 2019
Investigations week
This week we have been:
Learning about elephants. We have been learning about where they live, what they like to eat, what they do and how we can look after them. We learnt about a charity called WWF. They look after animals that need protection from humans and Mrs Herne told us that she had adopted an elephant for us! Our elephant’s name is Kiruba, WWF sent us some information and a toy elephant for us to play with.
We have also been reading stories about Elmer the elephant. We have enjoyed painting our own Elmers!
In maths this week we have been learning about money. We have been exploring 1p coins and thinking about what we can buy using the coins. We have been counting how many pennies we have in our purse, finding hidden pennies in the classroom and putting them in a long line. We counted how many we have and then measured how long the line of pennies was.
We have been using the Beebots this week. We were able to use the instructions we learnt last time to help us use the beebots safely. We also started using the big blocks to make new tracks and roads for the Beebots.
This week we also celebrated Valentine’s Day. We made cards for our loved ones and drew pictures of the people we love.
After half-term we will be:
- Learning about dinosaurs, thinking about what the eat, where they live, how they behave etc.
- Continuing with counting using dinosaur stories and resources.
- Learning about how Jesus loves us.
- Learning the sounds of the alphabet, some of us will be learning how to make words using our sounds.
- We will also see our friends from Apples and Honey Nursery when they come to visit our nursery.
How you can help at home:
- Continue name writing.
- Counting activities.
- Research dinosaurs over the holiday, we will share this learning with the class.
We hope you have a relaxing half-term!
Thank you for all your support, Mrs Herne.
Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno.