15th March 2019
Dinosaurs – Eggs
This week have been:
This week we read ‘Tom and the dinosaur egg’. Tom found an egg and decided to look after it until it hatched. The next day we received an egg in the post! We are not sure what is inside the egg or who sent it but we are going to look after it just like Tom did. We put a blanket over the top and gave it some light so the egg will keep warm. We have been exploring eggs in the sand; thinking about size, we have been designing our own eggs and exploring which animals we think grow in eggs. In PE this week we explored how to move like a dinosaur.
In phonics this week we learnt:
- t – down the tower, across the tower
- i – down is body, dot for his head
In maths this week we have been having fun exploring 2D shape and looking at shape properties. We looked at a lift the flap shape book and looked at everyday objects and their shape. We have also been sorting 2D shape and looking at differences between them.
In RE this week we read ‘Adam and Eve’ and re-visited the creation story. We then made our own picture of our class family. We discussed how important family is and why we love them.
This week our caterpillars have made some big changes. They have now changed into cocoons!! We carefully placed them into the butterfly house and we cant wait to see what happens next.
Next week we will be:
- Continuing our dinosaur topic, focusing on changes over time.
- Learning the sounds n/p.
- Learning about non-fiction books and what they are.
- Looking at size, using dinosaur size and the food they eat.
- Learning about Noah’s ark during our RE learning.
How you can help at home:
- Please support the children in doing up their own coats and finding their names in the morning. We are encouraging the children to be as independent as possible.
- Explore 2D shape at home and talk about the shape of objects you find.
- Explore the sounds we have learn so far, a/m/s/d/t/i.
Messages home:
- Please keep the home learning books coming in, its great to see what the children are learning at home.
- You will have noticed that we have sent home some more proud clouds, please let us know what the children have done at home that you are proud of.
Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne.
Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno.