16th November 2018

People who help us – At the post office

This week we have been:

Learning about people who help us at the post office. We watched a video which showed us how a letter is delivered. We noticed there are lots of different jobs at the post office. We had fun writing our own letters, putting them in envelopes, sticking a stamp on them and then posting them. 


In phonics this week we have been exploring ways we can make sounds using our bodies. We can use our hands, our feet and our mouths to create different sounds. We also added actions to sounds; steering for driving, jumping for a frog, flapping arms for a chicken.

In maths this week we have been exploring money and looking at the numbers on the coins. We know that there 2 pennies in a 2p coin, 5 pennies in a 5p coin and 10 pennies in a 10p coin. We enjoyed using 1p stamps to show how many pennies we need to buy things.

In RE this week we learnt the reason why we light a candle at church and during our prayers. It’s our way of showing God that we love him. We all lit a candle and pretended we were in church. Last week we celebrated Diwali and made our own diva lights, we took these home at the end of our RE lesson. 

As you are aware we will be making some new friends with a nursery class in Wimbledon very soon. We thought it would be a good idea to talk to the children about being different and that although we are different we are all treated the same and are special and unique. We all made a star the way we wanted to and Mrs Herne hung them above our carpet area. We all laid down and looked up at all the stars, there were all different and all beautiful in their own ways. We then said “abracadabra” and more stars appeared!

Next week we will be: 

  • Continuing our learning about people who help us, looking at the emergency services.
  • In phonics we will continue making sounds with our bodies.
  • In maths we will be focusing on 2d shape, naming, sorting and drawing them.
  • In RE we will be talking about Gods friends.

How you can help at home:

  • Continue name writing, the children are really working hard at this.
  • Counting and number games.
  • Please continue reading with the children, as often as you can.
  • Please encourage the children to record something in their green home learning books, it’s great to see what you have been learning at home.

Messages home:

If we change your child at school sometimes the children do not have a change of clothes on their pegs so we use the clothes we have in nursery, some of these items are not being returned to us and our stocks are running low. We do understand it can be tricky to notice smaller items like knickers/pants/socks but it would be great if you could have a look at home. Please come and see us if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne.

Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno