17th February 2022

Science week!

This week we have been:

Exploring different elements of science. We have been making static energy using balloons, making bubble mixtures and blowing bubbles, watching colour travel through flowers to change its colour, making our own playdough, making sound travel through a tube, making paint using powder, exploring waves using oil in a bottle. making sounds using glass jars and water.

This week we have also been learning about Judaism. We have been learning about Hanukah and exploring Jewish items. We have had lots of fun singing a song about lighting the candles on a menorah. 

After half-term we will be:

  • Learning about dinosaurs, what they do, what they eat, where they live and how they behave.
  • Finding out information using non-fiction books.
  • Counting with dinosaurs.
  • Learning about Baptism.

Messages home:

Please can you make sure that the children’s names are writing in their clothes, especially their jumpers.  We have had a couple of issues with finding the right jumper for most of the children as their are no names in 80% of the children’s jumpers. Thank you to the 20% of you that have named your child’s clothes.

Have a great half-term

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Bruno and Mrs Lowe