18th May 2018
People who help us – Where we live
This week we have been:
Learning about different people that help us where we live. Our role-play area was a hairdressers, we were milk men/women outside delivering milk, bin men and builders! We had great fun exploring these jobs and we made a hairdresser and a builder using lots of different materials.
In phonics this week we have been learning the sounds:
‘j’ – down the spring, dot for his head.
‘v’ – down the wing, up the wing.
Please practise these at home.
In maths this week we have been counting milk bottles and thinking about how many milk bottles people have ordered. We also looked at adding one more and knowing how many it would be.
In RE this week we learnt about the Ascension. 40 days after Jesus came back to life God asked for him to return to heaven. He said goodbye to his friends and told them to tell everyone about him. He also said that Jesus was always watching over them and that one day you will meet again.
This week our caterpillars changed! They changed into cocoons by hanging on the roof of their container. Mrs Herne moved them into their new home for when they are ready to change into the next phase. We have also been taking care of our beans and they are growing very strong and tall.
Next week we will:
- Continue learning about people who help us, focusing on the police and the fire service.
- Learning the sound ‘y’ and looking at blending word games.
- Looking at 2D shape.
- Reading ‘The Good Samaritan’, a story from Jesus’s special book, the bible.
Please continue sound formation, name writing and working with numbers to 10. Please also keep reading at home and showing me what you have been learning by writing/drawing in your homework books.
Please don’t forget that Friday 25th May is our class assembly, we hope that you will be able to make it. Please let me know what your child is going to be dressed as on the day.
Thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Herne
Mrs Lowe, Mrs Bruno and Miss Kelly.