1st April 2022
This week we have been:
Learning about the Easter story. So far we have been learning about Palm Sunday, Holy Monday – Jesus went to church, Holy Tuesday – Jesus teaches others about the church, Holy Wednesday – Judas betrays Jesus, Holy Thursday – The last supper, Good Friday – Jesus dies on the cross. We have been roleplaying the story together and talking about what happens and why. This week we have also started making epitaphions and re-telling the Easter story using our mobiles.
This week we have also been learning about how ‘Jesus loves me’. We watched a video and made our own crosses.
This week we have revisiting the sounds m, a, d, s and learning t, i, and n. We have been thinking about what each sound looks like and how we write them.
Next week we will be:
- Continuing the Easter story and learning about what happens.
- Exploring Easter by dying red eggs, making mobiles and making nests.
Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne
Mrs Bruno and Mrs Lowe