20th April 2018
People who help us – In school
Welcome back, we hope that you had a relaxing Easter.
This week we have been:
Learning about people that help us in school. We looked at all the different jobs people have in our school. We enjoyed using our role play as the school office, cooking like a chef at the play-dough table and pretending to be a lollipop man/woman outside. We created pictures of a teacher and a chef using paints and different sticking materials and drew pictures of our favourite food.
This week in phonics we have learning the sounds:
‘u’ – down, under, up and down to the puddle.
‘b’ – down the laces, up and around the foot.
We have been exploring writing these sounds on paper and in the sand.
In maths this week we compared groups of objects and explored giving each circle/container the same amount of objects.
In RE this week we learnt about ‘The Annunciation’. We looked at the icon and spoke about what we could see. We learnt that on 25th March angel Gabriel was sent by God to tell Mary she was going to have a baby, this baby will be the son on God.
In science this week we have been looking at spring. We spoke about the changes the children can see outside and that during spring everything springs up. We then put some cress seeds in a dish and beans in a pot. We are going to look after them and watch them grow! We need to make sure they have water and sunlight to help them grow.
Next week we will be:
- Learning about people who help us – The post office
- Learning the sounds ‘f’ and ‘e’.
- Exploring simple coins and how we use them.
- Learning about the bible story ‘Noah’s ark’.
How you can help at home:
- Continue forming the sounds we have learnt so far, explore using paint/wet paint brushes outside.
- Continue forming numbers to 10 and play number games with numbers to 10.
- Take a trip to the post office and talk the children about what you do in a post office, use money to buy something and talk to the children about the coins you use.
As the weather is changing please can you ensure the children are prepared for the hot weather, sun lotion/sun hats etc. Can you also ensure that your child’s name is written in hats and jumpers.
Thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Herne
Mrs Bruno, Mrs Lowe and Miss Kelly.