23rd October 2020

Inclusions week

This week we have been:

Learning about black history using a wide range of stories. We read ‘Big dream little leader’ and used the people in the story in our learning this week.  We made our pictures like Alma, wrote our own stories like Octavia, explored space like Mae, Bessie and Katherine, ran like Wilma, threw a javelin like Tessa and made models like Augusta. 

In maths we have been learning about the number 4 and making charts to show which things we like.

We have been learning about great British values, being safe when we are next to the road and when we are online. If we are next to the road we need to stop, look and listen before we cross the road. If we are using a tablet/ipad/phone and something happens that we are not sure about before we tap and click, we need to stop and think and tell someone.

We celebrated world food day this week. We decided to focus on Italy and we made Vanilla custard pots using custard, cake and fruit. We hope you enjoyed them! We also painted our own Italian flags.

After half term we will be:

  • Continuing learning about people who help us, focusing on people in shops and supermarkets.
  • Learning about the number 5 and counting using 5 currant buns.
  • Talking about Guy Fawkes and firework night.
  • Exploring floating and sinking.

How you can help at home:

  • Continue name writing.
  • Playing games with numbers to 5 and writing numbers to 5.
  • Explore autumn.

Messages home:

Just a reminder about your child’s green book and reading books. Please ensure you put them in the baskets outside when its dry and give them to Mrs Bruno if its raining if you would like us to see them or change them.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne,

Mrs Bruno and Mrs Lowe