25th May 2018

People who help us – Police and Fire

This week we have been:

Learning about the important jobs the police and fire departments do for us. We looked at the transport they use, where and what they do. We decorated a police man and a fireman, pretended to be policeman and woman in the role-play area and pretended to be firemen and women inside and outside using the fire engine. We had a great time finding out what they do, some of our class would like to firemen and woman and policemen and women when we grow up. We hope you were able to make it to our class assembly and that you enjoyed finding out what we have been learning this half term.

In phonics this week we learnt the sound:

‘y’ – down the horn, up the horn, under his chin.

we also started to look at how we can use the sounds we know to make words.

In maths this week we were looking at 2D shapes. We watched a train video which explained all about 2D shapes and how they can be used to make a train roller coaster.

In RE this week we read a story from the bible called ‘The Good Samaritan’. We learnt that it’s kind to help others and that we all have helping hands. We printed our hands on a piece of paper to show everybody that we all have kind, helping hands.

This week Mrs Baron gave us some great news, she would like us to take care of a chicken that we hatched in the school almost 2 years ago. She is not fully developed and has been poorly, so we are going to take are of her and make her feel happy again. We are going to use our helping hands to help ‘Dinky’ feel happy again.

Unfortunately our cocoons did not hatch in time for us to see them change. Mrs Lowe took them home and on Sunday when she woke up three cocoons had changed into butterflies!!!! They look very happy and Mrs Lowe has feed them some sugar water to keep them growing and make them strong. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the other two hatch soon.

After the half term we will be:

  • Learning about animals, where they live and how they survive – Starting with farm animals
  • Finishing learning our sounds – Starting with ‘w’ and ‘th’ in the first week back.
  • Learning about God’s first family.
  • Starting to learn about Ancient Greece – Starting with Greek God’s and Goddesses.
  • Exploring how and why we mix colours.
  • Focusing on writing and recognising numbers to 10.

We hope to have a family picnic celebration when we return after half term. Please keep Friday 15th June free in the diaries, all the family will be welcome. All the money raised will go towards resources for the nursery.

We hope that you have a restful break.

Thank you for all your ongoing support this year, Mrs Herne.

Mrs Lowe, Mrs Bruno and Miss Kelly.