28th March 2019
Dinosaurs – What do they eat?
This week we have been:
Finalising our dinosaur topic by learning about what dinosaurs like to eat. We read a story called ‘Tyranosaurs drip’, we learnt that some dinosaurs eat meat and some eat vegetables. We explored this more in the sand and made up our our stories.
In phonics this week we have been learning:
- g – around he face, down her hair and give he a curl.
- o – all around the orange.
In maths we have been counting different amounts of objects and saying when the groups of objects had the same number. We have also been adding two groups of numbers together and making number sentences.
In RE this week we have been learning about ‘The annunciation’ and Mother’s day. We have enjoyed exploring what Mothers day is and why we celebrate it.
Great news! Over the weekend all of our cocoons turned into butterflies! We feed them sugar water and some flowers, we then released them into the world on Thursday. We have also been learning about how things grow and we have planted some beans and cress seeds. We are going to look after them and hopefully watch them grow.
In PE this week we had lots of fun playing with the parachute! We learnt how to hold it, how to play cat and mouse and how to make a mushroom!!
Next week we will be:
- Learning about the Easter story.
- Learning the sounds c/k in phonics.
- Revisiting symmetry.
How how you can help at home:
- Continue name writing.
- Ask the children if they can sing the Mother’s Day song to you.
- Explore planting at home.
Messages home:
- Please encourage the children to put their own bag and coats away in the morning, this will encourage the children to become more independent.
- Easter lunch – You are invited to our Easter lunch on the 12th April. You would need to collect your child at 11:30 and take them to the hall for the Easter Lunch celebration. Please return your slips as soon as possible, this will inform us if your child is staying and how many lunches you will require.
Thank you you for you support, Mrs Herne.
Mrs Bruno and Mrs Lowe.