31st May 2019
Arts week/Traditional tales – Chicken Licken
This week we have been:
Reading the traditional tale ‘Chicken Licken’. We have learnt a song that helps us to remember the story and have been using the story ‘Chicken Licken’ to design our own chickens.
In phonics this week we have been learning:
- v – down the wing, up the wing.
- y – down the horn, up the horn, under his chin.
We we have also been reading stories that rhyme and thinking about words that rhyme with our names.
In maths this week we cut out different sized circles and used the outside to make shape pictures. It was tricky because it was a very windy day but we managed to make a circle, an oval, a heart and a triangle.
In RE this week we have been learning about ‘The Ascension’. We went to the hall and looked at the large ascension icon. We discussed who we could in the icon and what story it was telling us.
We have had lots of fun getting ready for our class assembly and we hope you enjoyed it!
After half term we will be:
- Learning about the ocean, starting with ocean animals.
- Learning the sounds w and th.
- Continuing our learning about our 3D shapes.
How how you can help at home:
- Continue name writing.
- Continue recognising numbers the children can see around them.
- Talk about 2D and 3D shapes you can see at home.
- Share some of the traditional tales from above by reading stories or exploring them on YouTube
We we hope you have a joyous, relaxing half -term.
Thank you for all your support, Mrs Herne.
Mrs Bruno and Mrs Lowe.