7th May 2021
Animals – Handa’s Surprise
We would like to welcome 5 new children to our class and hope they enjoying learning with us as much as we enjoy them being part of our class.
This week we have been:
Learning using the story Handa’s Surprise. We have been reading the story and acting it out in the sand tray, in the classroom and outside. We have also been painting pictures of fruit and tasting the fruit from the story. We have been thinking about which fruit we like the best, we made a chart that showed us our favourite fruit is oranges. In maths we have been counting different amounts of fruit from the story and comparing how many we have and have been making fruit salad in the water tray.
In Re this week we have learning about the Good Samaritan. We read the story and discussed what we think we would have done in that situation. We then read another story about being kind and noticed that lots of different people can be kind and friendly just like the good Samaritan. Use this link to watch a version of the story.
We also made hot cross buns to help us recap over our Easter story learning, we hope you enjoyed them!
Next week we will be:
- Reading about a tiger who came to tea! we will be exploring this story in many ways!
- Exploring up and down.
- Learning about why we light a candle in church.
Messages home
Please ensure that the children bring their coats to school everyday. I know the weather maybe getting warmer however it changes very quickly.
Parents consultations will be on Monday 17th May and Tuesday 18th May please ensure you book your appointment if you wish to speak to me about your child’s learning. If you are not sure how to do this please contact the office.
Thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Herne
Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno