28th January 2020

Transport – On/in the water

This week we have been:

Learning about ways we travel on and in the water. We read a book called ‘Mr Gumpys outing’. Mr Gumpy went out on his boat and lots of animals asked to join him. They did not listen to the rules and they all fell in the water. We have been retelling the story in the sand and exploring what it would be like in the sea in the water tray. We have also been exploring water outside, we had to put on our wellies and explore water in the trays and on the ground. We have had lots of fun being creative and making out own boats.


In maths this week we have been using the story ‘Mr Gumpy’s outing’ to count to 10. We have been adding animals to a boat and counting how many animals will fit inside.

In RE this week we have been reading the story ‘Noah’s Ark’ and been retelling the story using the big boat and animals. We have been building our own boats using the big blocks. We have also been drawing pictures of animals in an ark.

We have also finished our learning about how God made the world. He made the sky, water, land and then all living things including people. We have had fun making our own world using the pictures on the light box.

In science this week we have been exploring how to make waves in the water tray. We have been finding ways to make waves and then watching what happens to the waves. We have also been exploring waves in our PE lesson using the parachute.

Next week we will be:

  • Learning and celebrating Chinese New Year.
  • Learning and celebrating the Three Hierarchs.
  • Learning about WWF.

Thank you for your support, Mrs Herne

Mrs Lowe and Mrs Bruno