Welcome to Year 1 & 2

Homelearning 04.10.2024

Well done for working so hard this week Santorini class, you have been amazing!

Your homelearning this week for maths is now live on EdShed and has been set on number bonds to 20.

Your written task is to create a zig zag book about your favourite story. Remember you only have 5 pages to include your information on.

Homelearning Week 4

How to make a zig zag book

Homelearning 27.09.2024

This week I would like you to complete the maths sheet attached. It is about comparing numbers using the following:

> greater than

< less than

= equal to

Please write the answers into your homelearning book. For example, 2 < 10.

Maths homelearning week 4


I hope you have a relaxing weekend!

Miss Ali

Homelearning 20.09.2024

Hi Year 1/2,

Welcome to our new class page!

Your homelearning is due on Wednesday 25th, please try and create your fact-file on a separate piece of paper or card so that I can display your wonderful work around our classroom.

In regard to your Purple Mash logins, we have had some IT issues and are waiting for them to be resolved. The moment I get them, they’ll be glued into your homelearning books.

Parents- a kind reminder that the children should be reading every night with an adult and a comment should be written into their reading records. This is to improve their decoding, blending, comprehension skills and to get feedback from you on how their reading is progressing. Thank you in advance!

I hope you have a lovely weekend, make sure you rest as you’ve worked very hard this week. I am already so proud of you all!

Miss Ali

Homelearning Week 3

Homelearning 13.09.2024

Year 1/2- I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss Ali

Homelearning Week 2