Welcome to Year 1 & 2

Homelearning 14.02.2025

Hi Santorini Class,

Well done on working so hard this half-term! You should all be very proud of yourselves, especially with your Maths work on subtraction using a place value chart and on your diary entry and letter writing in English.

This week I would like you to create a poster about the 4 different seasons in the year- winter, spring, autumn and summer.

Homework Spr1 Wk6

Your maths work will be posted on EdShed for you.

I hope you all have a relaxing half-term!

Mrs Ali

Homelearning 07.02.2025

Hi Santorini Class,

Well done for working hard on your maths learning this week. I know it has been difficult to understand subtraction across a ten, but you have succeeded and now know how to do it using a place value chart! I am very proud of you all.

This week I would like you to complete the subtraction questions on the worksheet and to write a letter to the Lion, thanking him for showing you the sights in London.

Homework Spr1 Wk5    Maths homelearning week 5

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Ali

Homelearning 31.01.2025

Well done for your hard work this week.

Your homelearning this week is to write a diary entry about your trip to the London Eye this week.

Your maths learning is on EdShed along with your spellings.

I hope you have a nice weekend.

Homework Spr1 Wk4

Mrs Ali

Homelearning 24.01.25

Well done Santorini class on your first class assembly this academic year! I am so, so proud of you all, you were fantastic!

This week I would like you to complete the maths learning on Ed Shed and also here on the class blog page. The maths homelearning is about our learning this week- adding and subtracting tens, adding across and subtracting across a ten. It is to help you to understand the learning better.

Next week we will be visiting the London Eye on our school trip, so I would like you to research the London Eye and write 5-6 bullet points on the information that you found.

Homework Spr1 Wk3    Maths homelearning week 3

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Ali

Homelearning 17.01.25

Hi Santorini,

Please complete the maths lesson on EdShed, it is on subtraction within 20, using your number bonds. It will help you to understand our learning from this week better.

Your writing task is to complete the sentences by adding in coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

I hope you have a nice weekend!

Mrs Ali

Homelearning week 2 Homework Spr1 Wk2

Homelearning 10.01.2025

Hi Santorini,

Well done with settling back into school well after the Christmas holidays!

For this week I would like you to create an informative poster on one of the sights to visit in London, make sure you include pictures of the sight too! For maths, I would like you to complete the worksheet on number bonds to 100.

I hope you have a lovely weekend, make sure you wrap up warm when coming back to school on Monday!

Mrs Ali

Homework Spr1 Wk1

Homelearning 06.12.24

Well done for working hard this week, especially in your RE lessons and your nativity practices!

Your homelearning has been set online for you for both maths and English.

Year 2- Please make sure you learn your nativity lines and the song Three Gifts For The Baby.


I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss Ali

Homework aut2 week 6

Homelearning 29.11.2024

This week I would like you to complete the comprehension sheet about the Great Fire of London. This will help you with writing your recounts and fact files about the Great Fire of London next week in class.

Year 2- please can you learn your lines and lyrics for the nativity!

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miss Ali

Homework aut2 week 5

Homelearning 22.11.2024

Year 2- Your writing task is set on Ed Shed, it is about punctuating sentences with capital letters and full stops.

Year 1- Your writing task has been printed for you, it is on plural suffixes- s and es. Just like we have done in class this week.

Well done on your hard work this week, I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Homework aut2 week 4

Miss Ali


Nativity Songs – Please practice!