Welcome to Year 1

Year 1 Home Learning 06.04.2020 & 13.04.2020

Hello, Year 1 pupils & parents,

We hope you are keeping safe and enjoying the home learning experience. As we begin the Easter period, we’ve added learning activities for the next two weeks.

Mrs. Richards & Miss Moloney




White Rose –  https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/

Additional White Rose-  https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/SoLs/Primary/SOL-Year-1-2018-19-Spring-Term-Block-4-FINAL.pdf




day 1 – The Easter Journal Guided Reading Questions

Go through pages 3 & 4 before reading the story (link below).

The Easter Journal

day 2 – The Easter Journal Reading Comprehension

Choose one set of questions to answer (*/ **/ ***)

day 3 – Easter journal sequencing activity

Cut, stick and write captions or Write simple sentences to order the events.

day 4 – Write about your family Easter traditions.

Flower Cross Craft


day 1 – Guided Reading Questions

Go through pages 3 & 4 before reading the story (link below).

The Bear Who Came To Babysit eBook

day 2 – The Bear Who Came to Babysit Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

Choose one set of questions to answer (*/ **/ ***).

day 3 – Command Sentence Worksheet

Choose one template as a starting point (*/**/***).

day 4 – The Bears Menu




daily speed sound videos from RWI – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ  







Get Epic –  https://www.getepic.com/sign-in/educator

Please key in the codes and then search for your child’s name.

Cyprus code: jvm7682

Skiathos code: wie6883

Audible free stories – https://stories.audible.com/start-listen



Other Sites/ links

Busy things – https://www.busythings.co.uk/play/

Purple Mash – https://www.purplemash.com/sch/stcyprian

twinkl – https://www.twinkl.co.uk/

PE with Joe – daily sessions 9-9.30am on Youtube

Maths with Carol Vorderman – https://www.themathsfactor.com

English with David Walliams  – https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/

Year 1 – Learning at home 30.03.2020

Hello everyone,

We hope you are keeping safe and healthy. 

Please see the updates for this week. You can click on all links below.

Mrs. Richards & Miss Moloney 



White Rose – https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/

Additional White Rose- https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/SoLs/Primary/SOL-Year-1-2018-19-Spring-Term-Block-4-FINAL.pdf


Suggestion: daily phonics practise, spelling practise and a writing activity.

Activity sheets 


daily speed sound videos from RWI – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ 




Watch the ‘Bubbles’ clip, on Literacy Shed


Discuss: What happened? What was your favourite part?

Write: (day 1) Write sentences to describe Gabby.

(day 2) Write sentences to describe the beach.

(day 3) Write the beginning of the story up to Gabby is sitting on the bubble.

(day 4) Write the middle of the story up to Gabby seeing the other girl.

(day 5) Write the ending of the story.



Please key in the codes and then search for your child’s name.

Cyprus code: jvm7682

Skiathos code: wie6883


Other Sites/ links

Year 1- Weight activities

The link below will show you 5 very good worksheets about weight and measurement. The page also has videos attached to each worksheet to further aid your child.


I would recommend not doing more than one worksheet a day, so they can be covered over the duration of the week.

Year 1 : Learning at home

Hi everyone,

Over the next few weeks, as you know we will be uploading resources onto the blog for the children to do while schools are closed.

Please check this blog daily to see the tasks we have set up for the children.

Busy things:


To log in:

  1. go to the website www.busythings.co.uk
  2. click ‘log in’ in the top right corner
  3. click ‘click to log in with LGFL’
  4. children then use their Purple Mash logins to log into site.
  5. click on your class name
  6. go to assignments.

Purple Mash:


(Reading) – Get Epic:


Please key in the codes and then search for your child’s name. 

Cyprus code: jvm7682

Skiathos code: wie6883

Other sites that may be helpful at this time.



Phonics Play:


(Maths) – White Rose:


Mrs Richards and Miss Moloney

Year 1 week ending 13.03.2020

Year-1-HOME-LEARNING- 13.03.2020

Year 1 and 2 Spelling List


year 1 – Home learning 6.03.20

Year-1-HOME-LEARNING- 06.03.2020

Votes for sch Parliament KS1

Year 1 and 2 Spelling List


Year 1- Home learning 28.02.20

Year-1-HOME-LEARNING- 28.02.2020

Year 1 – Week ending 14.02.2020


Year 1 and 2 Spelling List


Year 1 Home Learning- 07.02.2020


Year 1 week ending 31.01.2020


Year 1 and 2 Spelling List
