Welcome to Year 3 & 4
This week…
In English, we explored the impact of words on the reader through descriptive writing. We worked in small groups to generate ideas to describe the Amazon rainforest using all our senses. We also used various comprehension skills to understand more about the Amazon rainforest. We ended the week with some work around personification in a similar style to Katherine Rundell, the author of the class text.
In Maths …
Year 4, started a new unit on multiplication and division; they looked into identifying factor pairs, using factor pairs, multiplying by 10 and multiplying by 100.
Year 3, continued the unit on multiplication and division; making connections in multiplication, problem solving and multiplying 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers without exchange.
In Geography, the children learnt about the lives of indigenous peoples living in the Amazon rainforest, why tropical rainforests are important and the threats to the Amazon. They used the knowledge to create fact files and to write a letter to the President of Brazil about preserving the rainforest.
Please click on this link for this week’s homework Spetses Home Learning – 17.01.25
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Richards
In English, we focused on using powerful phrases, developing prediction skills and understanding the impact of word choice. The children were able to describe a setting using powerful adjectives, expanded noun phrases and their five senses. Furthermore, the children made predictions about character’s actions and expressed an opinion on word choice through suggesting alternative words to change the impact on the reader.
In Maths …
Year 4 learnt that area is the amount of space taken up by a two-dimensional shape or surface. They explore different ways of working out the area of a shape, made rectilinear shapes using a given number of squares and work systematically to find and compare the areas of all the different rectilinear shapes.
Year 3, deepened their understanding on multiplication and division; making links between different times tables and to use these knowledge to multiply tens by 4/ 3/8.
In Geography, the children have been learning about the Amazon rainforest. The children considered and identified the location using an atlas and features of the Amazon rainforest and were able to describe and give examples of a biome. Furthermore, the children named and described the characteristics of the four layers of a tropical rainforest.
Please click on this link for this week’s homework Spetses Home Learning – 10.01.25
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs. Richards
This week we focused this on art and music.
In art the children learnt how to darken or lighten colours when mixing paint, they experimented with different art mediums to see the effects they have on the finish product. They finished off the week with still life drawings, which then painted using the skills learnt from the week.
In computing, the children created a times table game using scratch programming.
Please find the home learning attached: Spetses Home Learning – 13.12.24
Have a wonderful weekend and a wonderful Christmas break when it comes.
Mrs Richards
This week…
In maths, Year 3 focused on multiples of 4 and 8, dividing by 4 and 8 and the 4 and 8 times tables. Year 4 focused on exploring the effect of multiplying by 1, they also applied their knowledge of division and explored what happens to a number when they divide it by 1 or by itself.
In English, we began the week with writing an introduction for the villain we created. We then planned a story in the similar to Iron man, where our hero arrives and later defeats the villain. We chose a title and planned the main parts of the story; introducing the hero, the reactions of the people, the arrival of the villain and the final battle between the hero and the villain.
Please click on this link for this week’s homework Spetses Home Learning – 06.12.24
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs Richards
This week…
In maths, we continued with the unit on multiplication and division. We focused on understanding the difference between sharing and grouping when dividing. We also looked at the connection between the 2 times tables and the 4 time tables.
In English, we created a hero similar to Iron Man and a villain like the Space-Bat-Angel- Dragon. We used more adventurous adjectives and adverbs to describe their appearance and their behavior. We ended the week, writing an introduction for our hero.
Please click on this link for this week’s homework Spetses Home Learning – 29.11.24
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs Richards
This week in maths, we have continued the units on multiplication and division. In year 4 we focused on the 6 and 9 times tables and the inverse. In year 3 we focused on recapping out knowledge of 2 times table facts, looking at grouping into equal groups and arrays.
In English, we focused on chapter 4, where we discovered the true villain from the Iron Man novel, ‘Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon’. We described this terrifying beast, compared him to Iron man and wrote a chapter about how Iron would deal with this fiend.
In Science, we classified plants and birds by their common features.
Please click here for this week’s home learning > Spetses Home Learning – 22.11.24
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Richards
This week in maths, we began our unit on multiplication and division. We started with a recap on our times table knowledge and then we began to use our times table knowledge to complete division calculations.
In English, we focused on chapter 2 and 3 from Iron Man. We worked in groups to anaylse the characters. We looked at more writing devices used by Ted Hughes. We finished with diary entries as Hogarth, retelling the unfolding events.
In History, we refined our knowledge of the Roman soldiers and their battle strategies. We also used inference skills to describe the personality and appearance of Boudicca and life in Britain during the Roman invasion.
Please click here for this week’s home learning > Spetses Home Learning – 15.11.24
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Richards
This week…
After a fun filled start to the week both away and in school. We settled back into our usual time table.
In Maths, we focused using estimation to work out addition and subtraction calculations before moving on to inverse operations.
In English, we focused on identifying the other key characters in chapter two of the class novel ‘The Iron Man’. The children used drama to explore the origins of the Iron Man and were able to pick a story idea and then use the drama style to explore the story.
For our History lesson next week, we will be re-enacting some of the Roman soldiers training. For those of you who have not brought a shield, you will need to bring in recycle packaging that can be used to make the shield.
Please click on the link for this week’s home learning > Spetses Home Learning – 08.11.24
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Richards
In Maths, we focused on securing our knowledge of column method in addition and subtraction, involving exchanging (borrowing). The children understand we can exchange 1 ten for 10 ones, 1 hundred for 10 tens and 1 thousand for 10 hundreds. For maths home learning, this week I have sent sheets to to consolidate their understanding of subtraction with exchange and to consolidate their complimenting to make 100 or 1000.
In English, we started our new book ‘Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. We started with a focus on first impressions, we then moved on to look at some of the ways the author described the events in the story. We ended the week with some writing around the opening of the text and some of us also explored the events through role play.
In Science, we focused on classifying animals into groups based on shared characteristics. The children were able to identify broad groups of animals (invertebrates) and created a carroll diagram to sort the invertebrate cards. The children used animal sorting word banks to consider a variety of criteria.
For those of you who will be remaining in school, you will be having a fun packed few days all about the Romans. You will need to bring in some resources. Please see the list below:
- Empty cereal boxes
- Kitchen roll tubes
- Any small cardboard packaging including paper packaging (Amazon)
Please find the home learning attached:
Spetses Home Learning – 01.11.24
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Richards
This week…
In Maths, we focused on Subtracting 1s, 10s, 100s, 1,000s across a boundary, making connections to solve addition and subtraction calculations and exchange in column method.
In English, we completed our big write; a newspaper report on the arrival of the Windrush. We also looked at poetry related to the Windrush Generation. The children were able to identify the themes and to identify poetic features too.
We finished our Science unit with an investigation in animal poo. The children observed photos and discuss what the samples revealed about the diet of different animals.
Please find the home learning attached:
Spetses Home Learning – 18.10.24
Have a great half term break – stay safe.
Mrs Richards