Welcome to Year 3

Year 3, 30-1-2017

This week in literacy we will learn about Legends.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Robin Hood

In Numeracy we will learn how to add and subtract money and to solve word problems related to addition and subtraction.

This week’s spellings: Spelling words Friday

Have a lovely week.

Mr Beverloo and Ms Sandberg

Year 3 23.01.17

This week in literacy we will be continuing with writing instructions.

This weeks spellings- y3_wl_spr_3

In numeracy we will be estimating up to 1000 objects, estimating answers to questions and then using inverse operations to check and we will also be learning how to add and subtract amounts of money to give change.

In RE we will be learning about Baptism, if you have any photos at home we would love to see them for our learning.

Please remember to practise times tables at home.

Have a lovely week!

Miss Sandberg and Mr Beverloo.

Year 3 16.01.17

This week in numeracy we will be continuing with learning how to tell the time. Please practise this at home as it is a very difficult concept to grasp, the children are doing really well!

We will also be learning how to read the time on clocks that use Roman numerals.

Image result for roman numeral clockImage result for roman numeral numbers 1-12

In literacy we will be learning how to write instructions. The children will be identifying how language and structure contribute to meaning in instructions. To do this we will be covering the following;

  • Sequencing steps using numbers, bullet points or the alphabet.
  • Imperative verbs (bossy verbs) e.g. mix, turn, pour.
  • Prepositions- on, in, under, around.

Image result for examples of prepositions

Please click the following link for spellings. y3_wl_spr_2

Have a lovely week!

Miss Sandberg and Mr Beverloo.



Year 3 9.1.17

Welcome back and a happy new year!

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas, thank you so much for all of your kind words, gestures and gifts, it made us feel extremely appreciated and lucky to have such wonderful classes.

This week in literacy we will be learning about rhyme, alliteration and poetry.

Please click the following link for spellings.y3_wl_spr_1

In numeracy we will be ordering numbers, using the written method for subtraction and we will also be learning how to tell the time.

Happy birthday to Alex, Jaydon and Rihanna who celebrated their 8th birthdays during the holidays.

Please continue to practise times tables at home! Don’t forget home learning will be sent home every Friday and collected every Wednesday.

Have a lovely week,

Miss Sandberg and Mr Beverloo.

Year 3 5.12.16

This week in literacy we will be looking at  a lovely book by Michael Morpurgo, called Coming Home.

Please click the following link for our spelling challenge words. y3_wl_aut_10

This will be our final spelling challenge this term.


In numeracy we are going to be reviewing our learning for this term. We will be covering number place value, fractions and 2d and 3d shapes.

We will also be looking at equivalent fractions. This can be a tricky concept to grasp, so any support you can give your children at home will be fantastic.

We will have a times table challenge on the 3’s, 4’s, 8’s mixed together, depending on what your child needs to focus on.

In RE we will be learning about Saint Nicholas. We will be making Saint Nicholas collages next week, so if you have any cut outs you can bring in, we would really appreciate it. The best collage will win a prize!

Have a lovely week!

Miss Sandberg and Mr Beverloo.

Year 3 28.11.16

Image result for cliffhanger clipart

This week in  literacy we will be writing adventure stories and we will be ending our stories with cliffhangers. We are really looking forward to seeing what the children come up with.

Please click the following link for this weeks spellings. y3_wl_aut_9

In numeracy we will be looking at patterns in numbers, shapes and colour. We will also be practising reading, writing, adding and subtracting different fractions.

In RE we will be learning about Saint Andrew.

Image result

Please continue to practise times tables at home for a challenge on Friday morning. This week we will be doing the 4x table, children that got 10 or more on their 4 times table challenge the first time will be doing a 6x table challenge.

Have a lovely week,

Miss Sandberg and Mr Beverloo.

Year 3 21.11.16

This week in literacy we will be creating our own information leaflets to advertise a holiday destination.

We will also be learning about prefixes and suffixes.

Click the following link for this weeks spellings.


In numeracy we will be learning about Carroll diagrams, frequency tables and compass directions.

Please ensure you are still practising times tables at home. This years times tables that the children should know confidently are 2x,3x,4x,5x,8x and 10x.

Please practise 3x table for a challenge on Friday. If your child is confident in 3x AND got more than 10 in our 8x table challenge, please practise the 9x table.

In RE we will  be learning about the story of the Virgin Mary entering the temple.


Have a lovely week!

Miss Sandberg and Mr Beverloo.

Year 3 21.11.16

This week in numeracy we will be learning how to find unit fractions from a set of objects, how to collect and record data on a pictogram and we will practise our eight times table.

The children will be having an eight times table challenge on Friday so please practise at home.

In literacy we will be creating leaflets to advertise a hotel and we will continue with our non-fiction learning.

Please click the following link for this weeks spellings. y3_wl_aut_7

A copy was sent home on Friday so you should have one already.

Please remember to bring in homework every Wednesday and to change reading books as often as possible, depending on the length.

Have a lovely week.

Year 3 7.11.16


This week in literacy we will be extending our learning of non-fiction writing and we will be learning about the features of reports and how to write a report.

Pleas click the link for this weeks spellings, they will also be on spellodrome.  y3_wl_aut_6

In numeracy we will be learning how to identify right angles, we will also cover obtuse and acute angles.

We will also be learning how to read and write fractions and how to count in tenths.

Every Friday we will also have a times table challenge. Year 3 children need to be confident in the 2,3,4,5,8 and 10 times tables. This Friday our challenge will be on the 4 times tables, please practise at home.


Have a lovely week!

Year 3: week 1/11/2016

We hope everyone had a wonderful half term.

The spellings for this week:

they, grey, beige, sleigh, neighbour, eight, eighth, weight, reign, height