Welcome to Year 4

Week beginning 15/05/17

Literacy – This week we are continuing to look at poetry, in particular rhyming couplets. We are continuing to explore the use of simile, rhythm, and alliteration, as well as free verse poetry. By the end of the week, the children will be writing their own free verse simile poem.

Numeracy – We are focusing on calculating using pounds and pence, with all the operations. Towards the end of the week, we will begin looking at finding and describing a pattern or relationship.

Science – This week we are continuing to explore how circuits work, and why they might not work. We will also be discussing the role of switches and why we need them in everyday life.

Spellings – antique, unique, cheque, grotesque, mosque, straight, island, learn, length, material

Year 4

Literacy – This week we are looking at poetry, in particular the different features. We are exploring the use of language, rythym, onomatopoeia, aliteration and rhyming couplets, as well as free verse poetry. By the end of the week, the children will be writing their own free verse poem.

Numeracy – We are focussing on word problems, for all operations. The children will be using the RUCSAC method to solve the calculations, using their knowledge of number, and inverse. We will also be reviewing our knowledge of time, and converting between hours, days, minutes, seconds, months and years.

Science – This week we are exploring how circuits work, and why they might not work. We will be making our own circuits and discussing different conductors that we could use to help us.

Spellings – league, tongue, fatigue, colleague, plague, imagine, important, increase, heart, history


Spellings for Friday! (05/05/17)











Year 4 Week Beginning 13/03/2017

Hello Year 4!

This week, we will be looking at estimating using rounding and the inverse operation in numeracy using tens, hundreds and thousands for some! Later on in the week, we will be converting between grams and kilograms.  In Literacy, we are taking the amazing stories that the children wrote last week and writing notes! This is to help us improve our note taking skills by understanding which parts we can take out and what is important to the story. These will then be turned into role plays!

In topic, we will continue looking at Sound! This week, the children presented what they had learned so far to the class and the children will start to explore ways to change the pitch of a sound.

In RE, we will continue our learning by looking at the bible story about the first disciples. The children will reflect on how they can be helpful and what Jesus meant by ‘fishermen of people’.

In computing, the children are looking at programming using the site Purple Mash! They all seem to really enjoy this site and it can be used at home as well. Don’t forget, the children are set tasks on mathletics (this week, a task for mathletics) and spellodrome so continue to visit these sites on a weekly basis.

Spellings for the week:

1 dough
2 bought
3 brought
4 cough
5 rough
6 enough
7 though
8 although
9 thought
10 through

Year 4 – Ithaca, Samos, Symi

This last week we have been finishing our topic on habitats and changes in the environment. We wrote explanation texts, identifying the key-features and using them in our writing. The children chose to write about their favourite animal, and included facts that they had learnt during their topic lessons.

In Numeracy we tackled division methods, as well as measurement. Converting measurements and reading different scales.

We had a focus of Love in RE, and discussed what love means to us. The children shared their thoughts and ideas.

After half term, we are starting our new topic on Sound. We are really looking forward to this! The children will explore how sound is made, and how we hear. As we are looking at music, and sound, we would like the children to make their own musical instruments over the half term. These can be made from old cereal boxes, elastic bands etc…


Year 4 – Ithaca, Symi, Samos – wb:30.1.17

In Literacy this week, we will be exploring different types of poetry, in particular Haikus and Tankas. The children will be reading traditional Japanese ones before writing their own. They will be using ICT to present them once they are complete.

In Numeracy we are looking at fractions, adding and subtracting them, as well as reading and ordering numbers higher than 1000. Finally, they will be exploring lines of symmetry in shape.

In Science we will be identifying different invertebrates, and going on an invertebrate hunt around the school. Finally, we will be looking at the different habitats, and why animals live in specific places.

In PE, the children will be learning to play netball.

The spellings for this week are attached.

Hope you have a lovely week!

Year 4 Spellings

Week Beginning 23/01/17

This week, we are continuing our work with myths! Children will have the chance to re-tell their favourite myth and then turn this into a role play in groups! We can’t wait to see them! They will also be looking at inverted commas and using them correctly to add speech to our writing.

In numeracy, we will be working with negative numbers and also recapping place value and how we recognise the thousands, hundreds, tens and units in a number. We will also look at how we work out the perimeter of given shapes.

In RE, our focus is baptism. We will be looking at the different symbols associated with baptism and discuss what happens during a baptism.

We are continuing our topic of living things and their habitats, focusing on vertebrates and invertebrates this week!

The spelling for this week:

1 ladies’

2 girls’

3 children’s

4 pupils’

5 women’s

6 boys’

7 babies’

8 Tom’s

9 James’s

10 often


year 4 spellings 16 January 2017 (plurals)

year 4 spellings for week beginning 16 January 2017 are…


babies, thieves, boxes, flies, catches, cacti, wolves, potatoes, libraries and circles.

year 4 blog 16 January 2017

Welcome back!

All the staff here in year 4 hope everyone has settled down into the new Spring Term

In Literacy last week we were reading different myths and discussing what makes myths different from other stories.  This week we are going to write a myth of our own.

In numeracy we have been taking on multi-step word problems involving addition and subtraction and in some cases multiplication as well.  This week we will be challenging each other with our own word problems as well as taking on some of the more challenging ones floating around.  We are also going to work out non-unit fractions of amounts.  For example 3/5 of 25 is 15.  We work this out by working out 1/5 (25 divided by 5 = 5) and then multiplying by 3 to give us 3/5.

In R.E. we are going to continue the theme about rules and learn about the ten commandments that God gave to Moses.  We are going to discuss how Jesus gave us a new covenant/testament/agreement with God that emphasizes the two most important commandments of loving God and loving our neighbour.

We are continuing our new science topic of Living things and their habitats.  This week we are going to look at the seven life processes that all living things undertake to classify them as living.  Can you name all seven?



Happy near year!

Welcome back year 4, we hope you had a fun and relaxing Christmas holidays and are ready to get back into learning!

Our literacy topic is going to be myths, leading up to us writing our own myths! We are going to be looking at Pandora’s Box, the Mayan Twins and other exciting ones.

In numeracy, we have a focus on word problems and how to work out which operation to use. We will then be looking at working with non-unit fractions using all the operations.

Our new topic this half term is Living Things and their Habitats. This is an exciting new topic as we will be looking at the different life processes, classification and will also do our own habitat survey!

In RE this week, we will be learning about the life of St Basil and why he is an important figure in the Orthodox Religion. We will also be looking at Theophany and why it is an important feast day, specifically discussing what the icon symbolises.

The spellings for the week are:









