Please check our blog every week, as we will be posting information about our learning and tasks to complete for home learning.
This week in literacy we are learning about stories from another culture, focussing on story structure and retelling the story. In numeracy, we are finding all the number bonds of numbers to at least 5, and understanding time language. In our topic, we are finding the answer to the challenge question: Has Greece always looked the way it looks today?
Phonics this week
Stars (Mrs Richards): i, n, p, g, o
Clouds (Mrs Foti): qu
Suns (Miss Miller): igh
Moons (Mrs Pavlou): t, i
Home learning this week:
Children will soon receive an individual login for Mathletics and Spellodrome.
Please practise these words at home with your child.
Well done to the children who have handed in their home learning project. If you have not brought yours in yet, please do so this week so we can add them to our wonderful display.
Reading: Please read with your child every night. In the reading journal, write a comment about their reading and sign to acknowledge you have listened to them. Children are reminded to change their books during the morning activity time with Mrs Foti.