Corfu class this week! (1.11.16)

Please check our blog every week, as we will be posting information about our learning and tasks to complete for home learning.


This week in literacy we are learning about traditional fairy tales, focussing on their structure and writing sentences using full stops correctly. In numeracy, we are finding the doubles of numbers to 10, adding 1-digit numbers, and learning what a half is. In topic, we are finding the answer to the challenge question: Is the weather always the same where we live?

fred frog

Phonics this week

Stars (Mrs Richards): i, n, p, g, o

Clouds (Mrs Foti): qu

Suns (Miss Miller): igh

Moons (Mrs Pavlou): t, i

Home learning this week:

Your child has received their log in for Mathletics and Spellodrome.  Please check the updated tasks. These tasks can be completed over the half term.

Please practise the following items at home:

counting by 2s

number bonds of 10 and 20

reading and writing the high-frequency words





Our spelling challenge will be on Friday.

The spelling words this week are:







Please practise these words at home with your child.

Well done to the children who have handed in their home learning project. If you have not brought yours in yet, please do so this week so we can add them to our wonderful display.

Please click on the link for more information


Next week we will be learning about…


Discussing story structure

Retelling a story

Using capital letters correctly


Doubling numbers to 20

Adding 1-digit numbers



St Nektarius


What changes do we see in our country with each season?


Stars (Mrs Richards): e, l, h, sh, r

Clouds (Mrs Foti): ng

Suns (Miss Miller): ow

Moons (Mrs Pavlou): n, p


reading 2

Reading: Please read with your child every night (about 15 minutes). In the reading journal, write a comment about their reading and sign to acknowledge you have listened to them. Children are reminded to change their books during the morning activity time with Mrs Foti.  

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Richards and Mrs Foti