Corfu Class week beginning 26.9.16
This week in Corfu class!
Please check our blog every week, as we will be posting information about our learning and tasks to complete for home learning.
This week in literacy we are learning about verbs, the alphabet, and what instructions are. In numeracy, we are exploring number bonds up to 10, and measuring by comparing length, mass and capacity. In RE, we are learning about the feast day of St Cyprian and St Justina. In topic, we are finding the answer to the challenge question: has Greece always looked the way it looks today?
Phonics this week
Stars (Mrs Richards); m, a, s
Suns (Miss Miller) ; ay
Clouds (Mrs Foti); th
Moons (Mrs Pavlou); m, a
This week we will be starting spelling tests on Friday. The spelling words this week are:
Please practise these words at home with your child.
Reading: Your child has received a home reading book and reading journal. Please read with your child every night. In the reading journal, write a comment about their reading and sign to acknowledge you have listened to them. Children are reminded to change their books during the morning activity time with Mrs Foti.
Home learning this week:
Please click on this file for our class Island project on Corfu;
island-homelearning-2016 .
It is due on Monday 10th October 2016
Children will soon receive an individual log in for Mathletics and Spellodrome. In the meantime, please complete some literacy and numeracy games (linked to this week’s learning) at home. – verbs, sentences. – number bonds to make 10
Book bags: Please ensure your child brings his/her book bag to school every day, as it is a means of transporting reading materials safely and it is a valuable method of communication.
Uniform: Please ensure all items of clothing (PE kits and uniform) are clearly labelled with your child’s first and last name.
PE kits: Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is at school every Monday morning.
Next week, We will be learning…
Capital letters and full stops
Using bossy verbs in instructions
Writing instructions
Number bonds to 10
Adding 1-digit numbers
Understanding what time is and how to estimate it
RE: Lord’s Prayer
Topic: Finding the answer to: Who were the superstars in Ancient Greece?
Next Weeks Phonics:
Stars (Mrs Richards); d, t, i
Suns (Miss Miller); ee
Clouds Mrs Foti); ch
Moons (Mrs Pavlou); s,d
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Richards and Mrs Foti