December 1st 2017

The Elves and the Shoemaker

This week we have been learning about:

We have been reading the story ‘The Elves and the shoemaker’. We have been learning how to be kind and then how and why we say thank you. We have also been making pairs of shoes and designing our own shoes. We will be continuing the Elves theme next week with Santa’s workshop.

We have been learning about 2D shapes. We have been drawing around objects and talking about the shapes that we see. We have also been cutting 2D shapes out of playdough and printing 2D shapes using shape sponges and paint.

We received a special parcel this week, it was form Apples and Honey Jewish Nursery. Apples and Honey are coming to visit us next week and they sent us a parcel with lots of exciting things inside. Mrs Herne sent Apples and Honey a box of special things from our Nursery and we are really looking forward to meeting some new friends.  We also decorated stars this week and Mrs Herne displayed them above the carpet area, we all laid down together and looked at how beautiful they looked in the sky. Although they all look different they are beautiful and unique just like the children are!

We are still practicing our songs for our Christmas Nativity, ask the children if they can sing the songs to you at home! Our song involves dancing (wiggling) if you hear or play songs at home please encourage them to dance and wiggle!!

Next week we will be learning about:

  • Christmas!!
  • The Christmas Story.
  • Writing letters to Santa.
  • Working in Santa’s workshop! Thinking about size.
  • Colours.

How you can help at home:

  • Encourage the children to write/draw in their homework books, this should be the children’s work regardless of how big or small you think it may be.
  • Talk about colours and shapes you see around you.
  • Practicing writing their names.


As you may have noticed we have stated handing out special stickers from Mrs Baron!!!! If the children write/draw in one of her special books they get a special sticker. Please encourage your children to show Mrs Baron their learning.


We have sent home some more proud clouds, bring one in at a time and let us know something your child has done at home that you are proud of.

For example, I am proud of ________ for helping mummy set the table for dinner/for tidying up their toys when daddy asked them to/for eating all their dinner last night.

Nativity – Thursday 14th December  We hope that you have all received your letter and costume ideas. Please make sure your child’s costume is in school on Monday 11th December so we can ensure we have all the costumes ready.


Thank you for your ongoing support.


Mrs Herne, Mrs Lowe, Mrs Bruno and Mrs Cosma