Evia and Cyprus Class Blog 11.7.16





Dear parents,

As we approach the end of the school year we would like to thank all of the parents for their hard work and effort in supporting the children of Year 1.

We have had a successful year, with lots of fantastic learning as well as fun and laughter. We have enjoyed a visit to Kew Gardens and the WW1 Exhibition. We’ve also enjoyed participating in a variety of workshops and were very pleased to see such a fantastic turn out of parents for our annual Sports Day!!!!!

We are also very much looking forward to our End of Year Summer Class Party, filled with fun and games and making memories in the last few days of Year 1.

It has been a real pleasure in teaching your children and taking them through their first year of their learning journey.  We would like to wish the children all the best in the next part of their adventure as they progress into Year 2. They will be missed!!!!

Best Wishes and Enjoy your well-earned Summer Break

Miss Raval and Ms Young

Mrs Pavlou and Miss Ferezen