Homework year 3, 19.9.2016-26.9.2016

Welcome to our class blog

In literacy we are still reading and writing Fairy Tales. We have been reading: Rumpelstiltskin, Jack and the Beanstalk,  Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella. This week we will read more Fairy Tales and at the end of this week we will be able to write our own Fairy Tale.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Fairy Tales

In numeracy we are learning about number place value and number bonds. We really enjoy our new numeracy books: Target your Maths.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Target your maths

Our topic learning this term is about the Ancient Greeks. Last week we got a coded message, that we had to decipher ourselves using Polybius checkerboard. We are going to learn lots about the Ancient Greek period.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor checkerboard polybius

Unfortunately our Spellodrome and Mathletics aren’t working yet. Though we would be really happy if you practise the following words at home:

  • Disappear, disbelieve, disagree, dislike, disconnect, disappoint
  • Mistake, misbehave, mislead, misspell

Don’t forget your end of half term topic learning.


Mr. Beverloo and Miss Sandberg