Hone Learning 20.4.2020-25.4.20

Hello all,

I hope that you are all keeping well and that you have enjoyed your easter. Please find below a possible daily schedule, you do not need to follow the schedule exactly but it gives you an idea of how you may want to structure your day, remember once you have explained an activity to your child and modelled any new learning children can be left to do some tasks independently.

Reception possible daily schedule.


Please ensure you are accessing ruth miskins live phonics lessons daily. Please also allow your child time to practice their phonics knowledge through games using the websites listed below and also through reading books.





Day 1- Speaking and Listening

Day 2- Reading



Day 4 and 5- Sentence writing

Please click here for a useful survey on where your child is in their literacy and how you can help them using the resources provided.


White rose link to weeks maths activities

additional task 1- addition and subtraction

additional task 2-more and less

additional task 3- number line

Please continue to work on what your child needs, these resources are here to help and guide you in the type of work your child should be doing and covering.  The most important thing to remember is to stay safe and have fun with your child.

Please remember To continue to log in to Purple mash, busy things and get epic each week as there will be tasks for each child on these sites. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUR CHILDS LOG IN DETAILS PLEASE EMAIL THE SCHOOL OFFICE TO REQUEST THIS. 

Stay safe

Miss Hopper and Miss Panayi.