January 12th 2018
This week we have learning about:
Different ways that we travel. We have been exploring travelling on land, in the sky and in the water. We read a story called ‘We all go travelling by’, we built carparks and garages using the big blocks, we used the boats to help our play people travel on the water and made our own cars and aeroplanes using the junk modelling.
We also discussed how we travel to school, we made a chart using the interactive screen and found that most of us travel by car!
In maths this week we explored using the sand timers and sorting transport items into colours or mode of transport.
In out phonics learning we are currently working on making sounds with our voices and sorting words and pictures that have the same sound at the start. We have also been learning how to write our names. We have been encouraging the children to only have a capital letter at the start of their names and the rest to be lower case. For example MRS HERNE would be Mrs Herne.
In RE this week we learnt how God made autumn and winter and why. We looked at what he created and then looked at the changes he made. We learnt that God made winter so that the animals could sleep!
We have also had great fun in the mud kitchen this week! We cleared the area by picking up all the leaves and then we learnt how to take our shoes off and then put on wellies on. It’s very muddy in the mud kitchen and we wanted to keep our shoes clean.
Next week we will be learning about:
- Exploring air transport, using stories/non-fiction books to help us.
- Counting and writing numbers to 10.
- Writing our names.
- St Basil, talking about Vasilopitas.
How you can help at home:
- Continue practicing your child’s name, we are encouraging the children to write their names on their work. Using lower Case please.
- Writing numbers to 10.
As we are using the mud kitchen with the wet weather we are asking the children to wear wellington boots. We have some spare the children can use however if you have any at home it would be great if you could bring them in for the children to use.
Thank you all so much for your support in ensuring our children look smart and are wearing the correct uniform at school.
Please continue with home reading , home learning and proud clouds.
Thank you for you ongoing support.
Mrs Herne, Mrs Bruno, Mrs Lowe and Mrs Cosma.