January 4th and 5th 2018
Happy new year!!
Welcome back! We hope your had a restful break and wish you prosperous new year.
This week:
This week we settled back into the nursery. We have been talking about and making new year promises, these are displayed in our RE area if you would like to share these with the children.
We have also been learning about ‘Theophany’. Mrs Herne told us the story about how Jesus was baptised and then we watched a video of the cross being thrown in the river, Mrs Herne then Blessed us with Holy water.
Next week we will learning about:
- Different modes of transport.
- Time and distance, looking at how long it takes to do tasks using sand timers.
- Continuing our Winter learning.
- In phonics, coping actions and following directions.
Messages from us:
We will continue with proud clouds, home learning and reading books so please keep those coming in.
We would also like to ask if you can ensure that the children are wearing the correct uniform. Please check this list.
- St Cyprian’s blue sweatshirt, yellow polo shirt and blue track bottoms.
- Black shoes/trainers.
- Black/dark blue coat.
- Hair bands and beads in school colours, blue/yellow/white.
- St Cyprian’s book bag (either shape), only one key ring please.
Hats and scarves: We do have a box of hats and scarves that the children use when they go outside so that we can keep them nice and warm while they are learning outside.
We thank you for your continuous support.
Mrs Herne, Mrs Bruno, Mrs Lowe and Mrs Cosma.