Remote Home Learning
How will the school deliver remote home learning?
The school will provide your child with a mixture of online and paper based learning. This is outlined below:
Year 2-6
- The teacher will post daily work via the class blog that your child can access including lesson resources and other online content.
- The teacher will lead a Teams lesson 2-3 times daily. Links to Teams lessons will be emailed to parents as needed in advance of lessons –as much as possible the links will stay the same.
- An exercise book will be provided for children to record their work in if needed –please contact the school if your child needs one.
- If you require any stationary items e.g. pencils, ruler etc. please contact the school office or let the teacher know.
Year 1
- The teacher will post daily work via the class blog that your child can access including links to a daily phonics and maths lessons.
- The teacher will lead a Teams lesson 2-3 times daily. Links to Teams lessons will be emailed to parents as needed in advance of lessons – as much as possible the links will stay the same, these lessons will include phonics and number work every day.
- An exercise book will be provided for children to record their work in if needed – contact the school if your child needs one.
- If you require any stationary items e.g. pencils, ruler etc. please contact the school office or let the teacher know.
- A menu of activities linked to the class topics will be provided inc. RE, Topic, PSHE.
- Links to Literacy and maths activities/ online content/videos will be posted on the class blog.
- 3 times weekly recorded lessons will be provided on the class blog.
- Links to daily phonics will be provided on the blog.
- The teachers will hold a live lesson on Teams 1x per week minimum.
Which digital platforms are the school using?
- The class blog –we will continue to use our class blogs to communicate with your child and provide videos/ links to online activities
- Hand in email address – so work can be handed in and assessed.
- Microsoft Teams - live classes and feedback sessions will be provided via Teams.
Year 1-6
- The class blog– all children have an access to their class blog. - your child has been taught in school how to navigate and post on this platform.
- Microsoft Teams – live classes and feedback sessions will be provided via Teams. A link will be sent to you by the school. Please click on the link at the stated time of the lesson or just before and the teacher will let you in.
- Mathletics the teacher will direct children to use the game. You have already been provided with your child’s log in information.
We will also be using content from other sites including BBC Bitesize, Cbeebies, LGFL, the DFE Letters and Sounds videos and the Oak Academy.
How should my child behave during a Teams lesson?
We expect children to behave as they would in school and to follow the school behaviour policy and rules. The teacher will contact you if they feel your child’s behaviour has not been in line with this during the lesson. They may ask you to support your child during the next lesson if needed.
Please be aware that the following apply to live lessons:
- No 1:1 lessons will take place, groups only.
- Staff and children must wear suitable clothing, as should anyone else in the household.
- Any computers used should be in appropriate areas, for example, not in bedrooms; and where possible be against a neutral background.
- Language must be professional and appropriate, including any family members in the background.
- Videos may be muted for both pupils and staff if other children in the household become unsettled or cause a disruption.
- Children in Key Stage 1 may need more support joining a Teams lesson. Please help your child if they require support.
Please note, if you are late for the lessons, you can still join. If your child is absent from the lesson the school will text you to ensure your child does not miss any more important learning.
Does my child have to do remote learning?
We understand it can be tricky to get your child to learn at home and that you may have more than one child who is at home and needs your help. If you are having difficulties, please speak to the class teacher or phone the school office and we will try to help you.
Can I borrow ICT equipment for my child to use at home?
We have a limited amount of ICT equipment that we can loan to children working from home. We will prioritise this equipment based on government guidelines. You will need to sign a loan agreement for any equipment borrowed and return it to the school as soon as school re-opens. If you have trouble accessing online learning due to your data allowance or lack of broadband access, please telephone the school to discuss this.
If you have any safeguarding concerns about your child or other children during remote learning you should report these to the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Adrien.
Please see the school website for more information on E-safety and the School’s Acceptable Use of ICT agreements.