Reception 2.11.2020
Reception 02.11.2020
This week we welcomed everyone back to school and continued with our topic People who help us. We learnt all about shop keepers , and all the different jobs that they do .Our book focus this week was I went to the Zoopermarket. The children wrote shopping lists using sounds mats. In Re we learnt about how we are all different and how God loves us all. In Maths we introduced money to the children and counted using coins.
Week Beginning – 09.11.2020
This week we will continue to learn about People who help us , and will be focusing on the Post office
In Literacy we will be reading the book The Jolly Postman. The children will be writing their own letters.
In Maths we will be continuing to learn about money and how we can pay for items using different coins.
In RE we will be learning about Diwali.
In Phonics we will be continuing to learn the Read Write Inc sounds.
Please note
- The children will all be bringing home a reading book this week.
- As the weather is cold please ensure that your child has a coat in school each day, as we go outside everyday.