Reception Blog 6.3.17 and 20.3.17

Reception Class Blog

Weeks Beginning: 6.3.17 and 13.3.17

Reading: We will change reading books on your child’s allocated group day.  Please can you ensure that you sign or write a comment in the Reading Record.

Learning for the Spring Term

Learning: Our topic this half term is ‘Dinosaurs’.’  

We will be learning about key texts such as:

  • Stomp Chomps Big Roar!
  • Harry and the Dinosaurs

Literacy:  We will be continuing our learning about different types of dinosaurs, their diet, habitats and size. We will continue to focus on initial sounds and forming CVC words and letters.  We will also be continuing our learning of incorporating full stops, capital letters and finger spaces within writing and constructing simple sentences using initial sounds to spell words.

We will be creating our very own Dinosaur Jungle using a variety of materials and resources to construct a Dinosaur habitat.

Numeracy: We will continue to develop our subtraction skills and focus on One Less using counting objects and number lines. We will also continue to focus on addition using counting objects and number formation. We will also be focusing on measuring and size ordering.

Homework: Please support your child in their revision to practise initial sounds, blending and writing CVC words and writing simple sentences. e. g. ‘The rat was fat.’ Please focus on initial sounds and letter and number recognition and formation.

Children can create a poster about some interesting facts that they have found out about their favourite dinosaur.

Additionally practise counting to 10 using various objects. Once your child is confident with numbers to 10 move on to 20 or 30.  As a challenge introduce simple subtraction such as:

5-2= and encourage children to use counting objects to find the answers.

Phonics: We will continue to use the Jolly Phonics scheme and also incorporate the RWI scheme to children.

Please practice these sounds and digraphs at home with your children.

  • b
  • f
  • e
  • l
  • air
  • ir
  • ou
  • oy

This is the Jolly Phonics song to help children practice their sounds and sing along to the song.

High Frequency Words

Please support your child to read and spell the Reception High Frequency Words which has been attached in previous blogs.

Show and Tell

Each group of children will have an allocated day (please see below) when they can bring an item into the class and talk to the other children about it. Please ensure their item can fit in their book bag.

Monday – Turtles

Tuesday – Puffer Fish

Wednesday – Crabs

Thursday – Sharks

Friday – Octopus

We look forward to our very exciting year group trip next week where we will be visiting Kidzania!!!

Thank you for your support.

Ms Young & Miss Raval

Mrs Banitsiotis & Miss Ferezan