Reception Home Learning.- 13.07.20

Hello all,

Well done we have made it! I know that this year may not have been in any way what we expected but I hope that you have all managed to keep learning and creating at home. This is the last of your home learning set on  the blog, please continue to take part in activities with your families over the summer and make sure you practice reading.

This weeks online learning videos from the oak national  academy are linked below;

Oak national academy reception weekly videos.


Please continue to access Ruth Miskins live phonics lessons daily. Be aware that there are several different videos for children at different stages of the read write inc phonics programme, please ensure that you access the video which is relevant to your child’s level of phonics.

Please also allow your child time to practice their phonics knowledge through games using the websites listed below and also through reading books.


Day 1-Speaking and Listening

Day 2- Reading

GR_Scooters Book

Day 3- Writing


White rose Weekly Early Years videos. 

Additional maths 1

Additional maths 2

Additional maths 3.

It has been wonderful having you all in reception, you have all done an amazing job and learnt so much. Myself (Miss Hopper), Miss Panayi, Miss McGrath, and Mrs Banitsiotis are going to miss you all very much and we wish you all good luck in Year 1.