Samos Class Blog
Hello from Samos class!
We had another busy week at school with lots of fantastic learning going on.
In literacy we have been building on our work on ‘mythical creatures’ to create story resolutions using a range of powerful verbs and adverbs. We have also considered how to make our writing more detailed and exciting through using subordinate clauses.
In numeracy we have focused on column addition and on sorting data using Venn and Carrol diagrams.
This tied in nicely with our topic leanring where we continued our studies of Ancient Greece. This week focusing on the Olympics and comparing events from the modern Olympics to those during the Ancient Greek period. We used Venn diagrams to present our findings, then has great fun freeze framing different Olympic events for our classmates to guess.
In science, we have begun looking at living things and their charcteristics. Reminding ourselves of the seven life processes and identifying different habitats in and around the school. We were able to think about how our class plants (which are doing well) use the seven life processes.
In RE we have considered the importance of sharing, with others and with God. We created a sharing tree with all of our ideas.
We have continued to enjoy our Greek lessons and have continued with cross country running in PE- we are all hoping to improve on our times and distances! We are also looking forward to our computing lessons this week where we will begin programming.
Home learning for the week is again on mathletics and spellodrome. Any problems with login details just let your teacher know.
Remember PE kits Tuesday and Thursday.
Miss Campbell and Mrs Peters.