Samos: Welcome Back!
Hello Samos class, I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and managed to enjoy the sunshine!
This term we have lots of exciting learning planned with a new topic and lots more to cover in literacy and numeracy.
Currently in literacy we are focusing on free verse poetry, we have looked at several poems by Pie Corbett and ,Michael Rosen and we have been discussing how we engage with the poems and what we like/don’t like about them. If the children have any favourite free verse poems, do encourage them to bring them in and share!
In numeracy this week we are learning about Roman Numerals, so far we’ve made number squares and completed tarsia puzzles- ask the children- they should be able to explain them.
We will beginning our topic learning about electricity and I have asked the children to make a list of electrical appliances they see at home, or on their way home, or even out and about. If they can work out if these are powered by batteries or by the mains even better! We will be adding their lists to our topic wall, so if they’d like to illustrate them or make a poster go ahead!
Mathletics will be updated, and more news on spellings later this week.
Miss Campbell