Skopelos Class Blog 23/10
Hello from Year 4!
We have just finished a busy but exciting week of learning for inclusion week.
The children have been engaged in various activities throughout t week and have focused on safety and e-safety; completing posters and questionnaires.
Children have written a variety of poems about fireworks and have also begun to write mini auto biographies based on the title ‘All About Us.’
We have discussed what it means to be British and celebrated our differences and similarities.
Children have also learnt about Black History Month. We have considered key figures from Black History and have written about them. We discussed why they are important people and why we have Black History Month.
Children have continued to explore accompaniment in music, this week looking at ‘Peter and the Wolf’ and identifying the many different instruments within the piece.
Greek lessons have continued as normal as has Cultural Enrichment.
It was lovely to see so many parents and children at the Pink Breakfast on Wednesday and at the Open Morning on Monday. Thank you all for your continued support.
Please find here details of home learning for the half term. Home Learning 23rd October
Have a lovely half term, and see you all in November!
Mr Loizou and Mrs Basile