Spetses and Zakynthos 27.4.2020

Spetses and Zakynthos Home Learning 27.4.2020

Hello Spetses and Zakynthos,

We miss you! We hope you are all keeping well and safe. Please continue to access the sites and links online to help you with your learning at home. Well done for completing your activities and working hard! Keep it up! : )

You can find this week’s daily learning activities below.

In Numeracy you will be focusing on multiplication and division by 10 and 100 and telling the time on analogue and digital clocks.

Y3 Week 4 Day 1

Y3 Week 4 Day 1_Teacher Powerpoint

Y3 Week 4 Day 2

Y3 Week 4 Day 3

Y3 Week 4 Day 3_Teacher Powerpoint

Y3 Week 4 Day 4

Y3 Week 4 Day 5

In Literacy you will be learning about prepositions and present perfect forms. You will also read extracts from the story Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl and use words and phrases to describe the characters.

teaching_powerpoint_prepositions with audio

teaching_powerpoint_present_perfect_form with audio

Year 3 Week 3 Day 1

Year 3 Week 3 Day 2

Year 3 Week 3 Day 3

Year 3 Week 3 Day 4

Year 3 Week 3 Day 5

https://literacytrust.org.uk/family-zone/9-12/book-hopes/ – collection of inspiring stories, poems, essays and pictures from various children’s writers and illustrators.

Have a good week and look after yourselves! 

Ms Young and Miss Appiagyei