Spetses and Zakynthos 4.5.2020
Hello Spetses and Zakynthos,
Hope all is well!
You can find this week’s daily learning activities below.
In Numeracy you will be focusing on comparing 3-digit numbers and place on lines, rounding 3-digit numbers to the nearest 10 and 100, find times a specified number of minutes later than a given time, calculate time intervals and record results in a pictogram.
In Literacy you will read reports and revise features of non-chronological report, revise features of reports, play games and write a report about one of them. In addition, revise past and present tenses, complete exercises. Read a poem and write your own version, study the progressive form of verbs, past and present and identify these then use in own writing. And lastly, learn how to use the perfect form of verbs, past and present, in writing poetry.
Past and Present Tense with audio
https://literacytrust.org.uk/family-zone/9-12/book-hopes/ – collection of inspiring stories, poems, essays and pictures from various children’s writers and illustrators.
Here is the link to the BBC learning for year 3 students. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zmyxxyc/year-3-and-p4-lessons/1
75 years since VE DAY on 8th May – Find out why we celebrate this day!
Have a good week and look after yourselves!
Ms Young and Miss Appiagyei