Spetses and Zakynthos Home Learning 22.6.2020
Spetses and Zakynthos Home Learning 22.6.2020
Hello Spetses and Zakynthos,
We hope you are keeping well and safe. Please continue to access the sites and links online to help you with your learning at home. Well done for completing your activities and working hard! Keep it up! : )
You can find this week’s daily learning activities below.
In Numeracy you will be focusing on counting in 4s and 8s and describing the rule for a sequence. You will also be revising times tables and division facts (1×, 2×, 3×, 4×, 5×, 8×, 10×). Lastly, you will be learning about angles as an amount of turn and right angles as quarter turns.
Y3 Week 12 Day 4 Powerpoint for Teachers
Y3 Week 12 Day 5 Powerpoint for Teachers
Y3 Week 12 Teacher notes_updated
In Literacy you will be reading and listening to a traditional-style tale by Wilf Merttens ‘The Little Story That Didn’t Want to Be Told’. You will practise using commas to separate items in a list and use conjunctions and descriptive language when writing about an image. You will also answer referential/ inferential questions about the text and write descriptively. Next you will be learning how to punctuate and lay out direct speech as well as write punctuated direct speech. Finally, you will be summarising opinions about a familiar text, planning and writing a simple story using conjunctions to link ideas.
Y3_Week_11_Teacher Notes_updated
Use the ppt ‘The Windrush’ to create your own quiz on the Purple Mash website. You will need your Purple Mash login details to complete the activity. Include different kinds of question, labelling, multiple-choice, text-entry, grouping and sequencing.
Have a good week and look after yourselves!
Ms Young and Miss Appiagyei