Spetses and Zakynthos Home Learning 25.5.2020
Spetses and Zakynthos Home Learning 25.5.2020
Hello Spetses and Zakynthos,
We hope you are keeping well and safe. Please continue to access the sites and links online to help you with your learning at home. Well done for completing your activities and working hard! Keep it up! : )
You can find this week’s daily learning activities below.
In Numeracy you will be focusing on adding three-digit numbers using expanded (partitioning each number) and compact (column) addition methods. You will also find non-unit fractions of quantities (arrays and bar models).
Y3 Week 8 Day 1_Powerpoint for Teachers
Y3 Week 8 Day 3_Powerpoint for Teachers
In Literacy you will be reading profiles of video-game characters and sorting words into word-classes. In addition, you will learn how to use word-classes to write sentences and stories including adverbs/ adjectives. Lastly, you will practise using a dictionary as well as read and write poems containing metaphors and similes.
Have a good week and look after yourselves!
Ms Young and Miss Appiagyei