Tinos 25 September 2015

It’s the end of a fantastic week of learning for year 6.


In RE we found out about the Lord’s prayer. Some of the reflections made were very insightful, and showed that the children have really thought carefully about this special prayer.


In mathematics we have been thinking about multiples, factors and their uses for fractions. We have also looked at angles, measuring and drawing them with protractors and learning how angles in familiar shapes can be calculated.


Next week we will be thinking more about fractions; with a particular focus on equivalent fractions and using the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) with fractions


For further information, and to complete your set homelearning task, please follow the link at the bottom of this blog entry.


In literacy we have been learning about the use of figurative language in poetry. We have looked and personification and depersonification, metaphor and simile. WE have tried using different techniques to create images in the mind of our reader, which we will continue next week.


In history we have found out about a famous Greek battle: The Battle of Marathon. We learned about soldiers and warfare in ancient times. We also looked at the life of Alexander The Great.


Next week we will be beginning a new science topic about light.


Have a great weekend


Homelearning this week:


Mathletics: http://www.mathletics.co.uk/


Spellodrome: http://www.spellodrome.co.uk/


Weekly writing task in books (Due Wednesday)


Black History Month:  KS2 Writing competition (Due Friday 2nd October for competition)