Week Ending – 05.07.24
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week in English, the focused was on using time phrases, breaking down the key elements of a narrative and then planning and writing a narrative of their choice.
In Maths this week, we focused days of the week, months of the year, hours, minutes, seconds, and time to the hour and half an hour.
This week in Geography, the children’s had to identify the physical and human features in a non-European country, China. On a postcard, the children had to draw one human feature and one physical feature from China and then write the name of the features and what kind of feature they are.
In Science this week, the children had to measure footprints using a ruler. They first had to draw the footprint of an animal. measure the length of the footprint and then guess which animal it was. When they completed the task, they were shown a real picture of the footprint relating to the one thy had drawn and were given the answers.
In PE, we continued with teaching the children about rounders and athletics.
In Computing, the children had the opportunity of choosing a character and writing a story about their chosen character, using the Purple Mash App.
What a lovely turn out for the school Summer Fair, thank you all for attending and we hope you had a good time.
Have a wonderful weekend!