Week Ending – 14.06.24

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week in English, the looked at what a ‘Narrative’ is and it features. They focused on the story of ‘The Big Box’ and looked at nouns, past tense verbs and had to plan and write their own narrative by the end of the week.

In Maths this week, we focused on counting from 10’s to 100, counting from 50 to 100, using a number line to 100 and partitioning into 10’s and 1’s.

This term we will focus on Geography and our topic is ‘What is it like to live in Shanghai.  The first lesson was based on teaching the children about the difference between Human Features and Physical Features.

In Science, our new topic is ‘Investigating Science Through Stories’.  This week the children used data to answer a question, ‘Do taller tress have wider trunks?’ and then they went outside with a measuring tape to test their answer.

In PE, this term the children will be focusing on ‘Rounders’ and ‘Athletics’.

Have a wonderful weekend!

The Year 1 Team.

Homelearning Week 1 – 14.06.24