Week Ending – 17.05.24
Dear Parents and Carers,
In English, the children have continued looking at Information Report and their topics were based on being ‘Show Animals’ and ‘Leaves’. They have focused on high frequency words, sentence structure and building upon the word and sentences that they have written.
In Maths, the children were learning to about arrays, doubles. equal groupings with sharing, and and equal groups with grouping.
In History, as this term is ‘Explorers’, the children learnt about Christopher Columbus life and then had to record his events on a timeline.
In PE, the children continued learning about ‘Basketball’ and ‘Fitness’.
In RE, we talked about how God wants us to share and that it is important to share with those in need and less fortunate than us.
In Science, as our topic this term is ‘Plants’, the children had the task of drawing a plant and labeling the four parts of a plant and wrote what each part is used for.
Have a wonderful weekend!
The Year 1 Team.