week Ending – 21.06.24

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week in English, we focused on nouns, pronouns, capital letters and full stops. Towards the end of the week the children planned and wrote a  narrative.

In Maths this week, we focused on 1 more, 1 less of a given number, compared different numbers, had a lesson on practical activities and a lesson on recognising coins and notes.

In Design and Technology, this term, the children’s task is to design and make a puppet, based on the story of ‘kai and The Monkey King’.  So this week they started to design a puppet, learnt how to thread a plastic children’s needle and sew a basic stitch.

In place of Science and Geography the children continued with making their puppet, as this would take them a while to get use to threading, sewing and to make the various parts of  their  puppet such as the eyes, ears, hair etc.

In PE, the children continued with the next lesson on Rounder’s and Athletics.

Have a wonderful weekend!

The Year 1 Team.

Homelearning Week 2 – 21.06.24