Weeks beginning 10th and 17th

This week the children have been learning about different forms of writing. These include answering letters as an agony aunt and writing diary entries. All the children did really well with this which was great!

In numeracy, we have been working with fractions and introduced decimals! By the end of the week, all the children were able to find the equivalent decimal to a given fraction. We then moved onto bar charts and collecting data as a class.

In RE, our topic is ‘God wants us to Share’ and we have been looking at different bible stories and reflecting on what they mean to us and how we can use the messages within them now.

Next week is Inclusion Week and we have planned exciting activities for the children! Please can the children bring in paper, foil, cardboard for one of the projects.

Next week’s spellings, the children will have their spelling challenge next Friday (21.10.16).

1 division

2 invasion

3 decision

4 collision

5 television

6 explosion

7 possible

8 build

9 knowledge

10 therefore


This week’s project is to do with Black History Month! The children’s task is to create a piece of learning that shows what they have learnt about an historical event linked to the people they have investigated in their lessons. It can be about any aspect and should include a written piece of work and can include poetry, stories, pictures etc. and can be about an important person or an important movement.

Attached is the home learning and this is due Wednesday.

fractions and decimals worksheet