Year 2 Week Ending 20.4.18

Welcome to Year 2!

We hope you have had a restful and enjoyable Easter Holidays!

This week in Year 2

In our Literacy lessons we have been exploring the story ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Cat’ by David and Ronda Armitage. We have been examining and describing the different settings in the story as well as the feelings of the different characters.

In Numeracy we have been focusing on dividing. We understand that dividing can be done by sharing or grouping.

We then used this knowledge to help us to solve division word problems.

In R.E. this week, we have learnt about the uniqueness of the Orthodox Church.

We have started our new topic ‘Why do we love to be beside the seaside?’ which has a geography focus. We have explored the different reasons why people may go on holiday as well as the different places we have been on holiday.

Next Week in Year 2  

Subject We will be learning…
Literacy ·        We will be continuing our learning on stories with familiar settings.

·        We will be focusing on the text The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch by David and Ronda Armitage.

·        We will be creating predictions and exploring the settings and feelings of the characters.

Numeracy ·         We will be focusing on fractions.

·        We will be finding 1/2, ¼, 2/4, ¾ and 1/3 of shapes and numbers.

RE ·         We will be recognising that through baptism we are joining God’s family.
Phonics Miss MacKinnon’s group will be focusing on the sounds – cious/tious and tion

Ms Young’s group will be focusing on ir/er and ou/ow

Miss Beaton and Miss Howden’s group will be focusing on their initial sounds and sh, th, ch, ng and nk.


Homework and Homelearning Project

Seaside project 

Your Homelearning Project is due in on Tuesday 8th May 2018.


Your username and password for Mathletics is stuck inside the cover of your yellow reading record.

Weekend Writing Challenge

This week in literacy we have been exploring the story of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Cat’ by Ronda and David Armitage. This is the story of a cat named Hamish who leaves his home in the white cottage on the cliffs to find a new one in the village and comes across different challenges on his way. We have described where the story is set and how the characters’ feelings change throughout out the story.

For your writing challenge I would like you to imagine that you are Hamish and write a diary entry describing how he feels as he goes on his journey. You need to include in your writing:-

  • ‘I’ when describing what Hamish is doing/feelings
  • WOW words to describe his feelings (try to avoid – nice, happy and sad)
  • Full stops and capital letters in the correct places.
  • Use of sequencing words to describe what is happening next e.g. next, then, after etc.
  • Use of because to explain why you are feeling that way.

I would like you to write at least a page for your diary entry and I look forward to reading them!

Your Weekend Writing Books should be back in school on Wednesdays.


Book Bags: Please ensure that the children bring their book bag to school every day, as in addition to being a means of transporting reading materials it is a valuable method of communication. We encourage the children to give important notes from their parents direct to their class teacher.

Uniform: Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name, especially their jumpers and cardigans as the weather warms up. Children will need their P.E. kits in school on a Monday as this is our PE day. Please encourage children to be independent dressers at home, as these skills will be helpful at school.

Reading: We change the children’s reading books daily, so if they have finished their books please ensure that the children put their home reading record and reading book in the basket every morning to be changed. Please support your child with reading at home and record a comment in their reading record.

Phonics: The phonics scheme we follow is Read, Write Inc. Please read and practise your sounds and spellings with your child at home.


Spellings: This week’s spellings are – merriment, happiness, plentiful, penniless, happily.

Year 2 Spelling List


Times Tables: Please continue to practise your 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables at home as we will be completing weekly challenges on these. They will be given in a random order so please do not just focus on the answers! 

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to another fun filled week.

Miss MacKinnon and Miss Howden

Ms Young and Miss Beaton